Remember the "Big Top" or "Trapeze" or "Circus Bob?" Come join us as we travel back to 1955 to visit the traveling characters of the Royale Circus. They have just finished up their tour and are ready to break down for the season when the owner, Duke Royale receives a call from the bank, ready to call in their note - what can Duke possible do to stall them once again.

Meet Tom Foolery, the circus "Side Show Barker" who secretly lusts after everything Duke Royale stands for - The Royale Circus - what card lies up his sleeve he has yet to play. Or the poor Princess Sharif, the exotic dancer who only wants one thing, to not fulfill her marital contract to a man she has never met. In hiding, someone has just found out where she is. And then there's "Shakes the Clown." He has only one dream and will not rest until it comes true - to be as famous as Bozo.

These characters will collide together with a lot more mixed in for fun for an evening of entertainment and mystery - all done up 50's style - with music and costumes to set the mood. Intrigue has just made a stop at the "Big Top" to remind us how perilous walking a tightrope to danger can actually be.

In Association with P. Maxwell Productions

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