Fillmore & Western Railway Company

in association with P. MAXWELL PRODUCTIONS


Mission Implausible


Our story unfolds in the time of Maxwell Smart, 007 and when a President lived in Camelot. It's a time when love was free and politicians told the truth, or so we believed. Enter Mr. Sam Senate, a charismatic gentleman running for governor. But not all is as it seems, so lets take a peek at the underbelly of intrigue as our story twists and turns to unfold a cast of characters that might seem strangely familiar. The music will set the pace and atmosphere for us, so hold on to your hats as this train takes us back to the 1960's, as it could have been.

As a shot rings out in the air, who will be left behind and who will be left standing. Looks like a job for some of our seasoned and politically incorrect spies, spooks and undercover agents of the day to come to our rescue. It will be music, mystery and general mayhem before we can find out the "who, what and why" of this political thriller. So dust off your bellbottoms and headbands and practice the words to the Age of Aquarius because the 60’s will never be the same again.

"How many times must you kill a man……….

the answer my friend is blowing in the wind"

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