Fillmore & Western Railway Company

in association with P. MAXWELL PRODUCTIONS




The year is 1874 and you are back in the days of the Wild West. The Town of Fillmore is booming, there are rumors of a new gold strike up in the hills and opportunity is everywhere for the taking. Of course, all these elements do tend to attract people of dubious character and respectability. Could it be you are hoping to win the Red Rock Saloon’s Annual Poker Tournament, or to help Mayor Townsend win the next election? Maybe you just want to partake of Kitty Kanyon’s generous hospitality ?

The Annual Sharp Shooter Contest was Klondike Kelly nervous because she has some competition she wasn’t expecting. What plans did she have for her winnings ? Watch out, for you are sure to meet some interesting characters tonight.

So, roll up your sleeves and enjoy the atmosphere of the old west. Just like a stampede, once things get started, there will be no stopping and when the dust settles, who knows who will be left to tell the tale !!

" To a man with no future - comes a girl with a past"

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